Thursday, May 31, 2012

Tomales Bay Foods in Point Reyes Station

You must try here

Umm...smells so good♡

Smoked Salmon Open Faced Sandwich 

Asparagus Open Faced Sandwich

Earl Grey Panna Cotta

ポイント‧レイズ‧ステーションが初めての方には、『Tomales Bay Foods』をお勧めします。おいしいお土産を物色しながら、更においしいものをその場で食べる、天国です♡ 週末は、お店の中がかなり混雑します。ピクニック用のランチをここで調達して、近くのビーチで頂きましょう。

If you are new to Point Reyes Station, Tomales Bay Foods is the place you want to go. You can buy yummy stuff to take home with you, while you enjoy more yummy food on the spot.  It is busy on the weekend. Grab your selection of yummy food and enjoy them at a beach nearby. Their food is meant to be eaten outside. Happy picnic♡

80 4th street
Point Reyes Station CA 94930


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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

ポイント‧レイズ‧ステーション ❖ Point Reyes Station

Point Reyes Station in West Marin

This beautiful brick building was built in 1915 (it is empty today). It once housed a grand hotel, ballroom, and general store. 

A lovely town♡

私達が住んでいるラークスパー(Larkspur) から車で西へ40分のところに『ポイント‧レイズ‧ステーション (Point Reyes Station)』という小さな街があります。週末に行くと街は沢山の旅行者やサイクリストで溢れています。可愛いお店やレストランが立ち並ぶ、とてもポピュラーな街です。6月からはオーガニックのファーマーズ‧マーケットがスタートするそうです。すっかりこの街が気に入りました。

There are so many places to explore in Marin county, and we always feel our weekends are too short to cover them all.  Our favourite small town in Marin so far is called Point Reyes Station. It's about a 40 minute drive to the west. There are many cute shops and great places to eat.  When we visited there on the weekend, the town was packed with tourists and cyclists. I can't wait to return there for their popular organic farmers market, which will be open in June.  I know this will be the town we will keep going back to.


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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

まだあるポイントレイズ国立海浜公園のビューティー‧スポット ❖ Other amazing things @ Point Reyes

If only this was the view from our window!

Pink ♡

So pretty

Furry Alga (Trentaepohlia)

What do you call this...?

Beautiful rock formations


As you can see, I'm pretty taken back by Point Reyes National Seashore Park (this is my sixth or seventh posting about the park!). I can't help it. I've never been to a place like that. This is a must see place if you come to the San Francisco Bay Area!


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Monday, May 28, 2012

『カナダの日』プロジェクト2 ❖ Canada Day Project 2

Powdered white sugar on the outside...

Red strawberry jam oozing out...

This is supposed to be a crescent shape...

 +  = カナダの国旗のカラー!(日本の国旗にもなります!)
White + Red = Canadian flag...or Japanese flag...

カナダを思い起こさせる要素がかなり少ないクッキーができあがりました(笑)。でも、このクッキーを『カナダの日』プロジェクトに加えることに決定。外側は粉砂糖(白)、中は苺ジャム(赤)。形はなぜか「三日月のつもりの形」。私に才能と技術があれば、楓の形にしたいところ。でも、悲しいことにそれは無理というもの。でも、このクッキーとってもおいしいのです!そしてとってもおいしいのに、生地には砂糖が入っていない。粉砂糖と苺ジャムだけで、甘党の私をも満足させるほどよい甘さ。英語のオリジナルレシピは、『Smitten Kitchen』から。

These cookies do not scream Canada. But, they taste so good, and they CAN BE considered healthy too. There is no sugar in them, other than what's inside the RED strawberry jam and WHITE powder sugar topping. So I'm including these on the list for my Canada Day Project.  I wish I could make them into the shape of a maple leaf somehow, but that is a bit beyond my ability at this point. I can't even make a simple crescent shape... You will find this yummy cookie recipe from "Smitten Kitchen." Oh, they are soo good!

  • 材料:
  • 無塩バター 230 グラム(常温にもどしておく) 
  • ファーマーチーズ (低脂肪のカッテージチーズ又はリコッタチーズ風のチーズのこと) 230グラム
    • 私は、低脂肪のカッテージチーズで代用(カッテージチーズは水分が多いので、コーヒーフィルターの紙に入れて、ある程度の水分をとっておくと良いです)。又はクリームチーズで代用可能。クリームチーズを使う場合は、サワークリームを入れずにクリームチーズ230 グラムで代用します。
  • サワークリーム 大さじ2
  • バニラエクストラ 小さじ1/4
  • 薄力粉 2カップ(プラス打ち粉用) 
  • 塩 小さじ1/4
  • 好みのジャム(私はジャム♡)
  • 牛乳 適量(生地に塗る)
  • 粉砂糖 適量

  1. 薄力粉と塩はあらかじめ一緒にふるいにかけておく。
  2. 別のボールに、バターをハンドミキサーでクリーム状になるまで混ぜる。チーズを裏ごしして、バターに混ぜる。サワークリームとバニラエクストラも加える。粉類を少しずつ、混ぜ過ぎないように注意しながら、生地に混ぜていく。生地はラップに包んで冷蔵庫で3時間ねかす。
  3. オーブンは摂氏200度(華氏400度)にあたためておく。
  4. 生地を4等分に分け、1/4分の生地を軽く打ち粉をかけた台の上でめん棒を使い、できるだけ薄くのばす。残りの生地は使うまで冷蔵庫で冷やしておく。 7.5 cmほどの正方形に生地を切る(正方形のクッキー型を使うと簡単にできる)。
  5. 生地の上に小さじ1/2のジャムを中央にのせる。生地を三角に折り、周りを指で押さえてしっかりと閉じる。 三角の生地を巻いて三日月型にする。
  6. 三日月の生地を天板に並べ、はけで生地の表面を牛乳で軽くぬる。オーブンできつね色になるまで15〜20分焼く。網の上に取り出し、粉砂糖を振りかけてできあがり。残りの生地も同様にする。

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

カリフォルニア‧ポピー ❖ California Poppy


This is the official flower for the state of California, named appropriately the "California Poppy." They are in full bloom in our neighbourhood right now.


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Saturday, May 26, 2012

新しい友達 ❖ My New Friend in California

A lovely song bird is on our deck (Can you see it...? It's right there...)

He sing like this ✭


I get a visitor every day. You know he is here because you can hear him singing. I checked with my resident bird expert (Colin), he thinks it is a House Finch. He perches on our deck and sings (see the video) a couple times a day. He is my newest friend in California ♡


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Friday, May 25, 2012

近所のファーマーズ ‧マーケット ❖ Farmers' Market @ Marin Country Mart

Farmers' Market in my neighbourhood

Follow the red get to the market.

Lovely market

Organic flowers

このお店のサンドイッチは、ソノマ‧カウンティーで一番おいしいとの評判らしい。『Farmer's Wife』です。
"Farmer's Wife"...Voted the best sandwich in Sonoma county!

Apple and English cheddar grilled cheese sandwich from the "Farmer's Wife"


The Farmers' Market at Marin Country Mart is our neighbourhood market. It's open from 9am to 2pm every Saturday. It's not a big market like the Marin Farmers Market in San Rafael, but it has everything from seafood to flowers. We love the fact that we can walk to this market from our place. How great is that? 


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Thursday, May 24, 2012

オーガニック菜園第二週 ❖ Organic Garden Week TWO

Tomatoes are doing well.

The Red Shiso has started to turn green....

I don't know what this means but Red Shiso shouldn't turn green.

I'm hoping the Basil will get HUGE so that I can make my own pesto...

Oh no! Some of the leaves are dying before they become my pesto.


My organic garden is already facing some problems at week two. The Red Shiso and Basil do not appear to be looking well. Am I not watering them enough? Or maybe I'm watering them too much ? I talk to them every day and tell them to grow healthy. Am I not talking to them enough? Or maybe they need some quiet time...


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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

『カナダの日』プロジェクト ❖ Canada Day Project!

The Red maple leaf means a lot to us...Canada!

Ready to be baked

How should I decorate this? Any suggestions?

A sprinkle of red sugar?

Or a bucket of red sugar?


Americans are already getting excited about the 4th of July. A craft store in our neighbourhood has started selling a variety of American Independence Day decorations. When Colin mentioned to his coworkers about Canada Day being July 1st, they thought he was kidding! That story prompted me to start my new baking theme.  I'm calling it the "Canada Day Project." I'm determined to popularize Canada Day in the United States of America, starting with Colin's coworkers. On Canada Day (as it will be Sunday this year, this project has to be carried out on Friday June 29), Colin will be giving out Canada Day cookies to his coworkers! My mission is to master my decoration skills (it turns out that I have none). I welcome any suggestions and ideas for this very important "Canada Day Project."


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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Emporio Rulli

Italian cafe

Lovely decor inside

They serve wine as well.

My lunch...fabulous broccoli soup

Colin's lunch...amazing smoked salmon pannini

Excellent coffee

Amazing selections of pastries...heaven on earth!

私達が住んでいるラークスパー(Larkspur)という街は、新しい街の区分と古い街並を残すダウンタウンの二つの顔を持っています。この古い街並の区分にあるのが、『Emporio Rulli』というイタリアン‧カフェです。ラークスパー(Larkspurのダウンタウンに行く時はここでランチを食べます。お気に入りです

"Emporio Rulli" is located in historic downtown Larkspur. It's a lovely Italian cafe that serves coffee, pastries, and wine. I guarantee that you will love this place ♡

Emporio Rulli
464 Magnolia Ave
Larkspur, CA 94939


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