The best pizza in Marin, voted by Colin and Natsuko
All vegetarian pizzas
You can eat outside as well.
"Smokie" with smoked mozzarella
"The Love Supreme" (Margherita)...our absolute favourite!
"Peter, Paul & Pesto"...love love love it!
"Whiter Shade of Pale"...so flavourful and so good!
"Magic Mushroom" with shiitake...the best mushroom pizza!
バンクーバーに住んでいた頃、家の近くにあった『Steveston Pizza』の大ファンで、コリンとピザを週に一度は食べていました。引っ越しに伴い『Steveston Pizza』が食べれなくなり、2人ともずいぶん落ち込みました(笑)。それで、カリフォルニアに引っ越してまず探したのがおいしいピザ屋さん。近所のピザ屋さんを何件かトライしましたが、どれも『Steveston Pizza』のおいしさにはかないません。途方にくれた私達は、コリンの会社の同僚にアドバイスを求めました。そうして教えてもらったのが『Tony Tutto's Pizza』!いやはや、やっと見つけました、おいしいピザ屋さん!オーナーのトニーさんは、環境にやさしいピザ作りをモットーにしており、全ての材料はオーガニック、ピザも全てベジタリアンです。トニーさん自身は、優しいオーラーに包まれたような人。コリンも私もすっかり『Tony Tutto's Pizza』の大ファンです。そうして、めでたく毎週日曜日がピザの日となりました。これでまた、カリフォルニアの新しい生活を更に居心地良くする要素が加わりました。めでたし、めでたし。
There are lots of things we miss about Vancouver, with the exception of its never ending rain. One of the things we miss terribly is "Steveston Pizza" in our old neighbourhood. In our humble opinion, their pizzas are the best in Vancouver. Maybe even the world ! We used to eat their pizza at least once a week (sometimes twice a week!).
Our search for good pizza began as soon as we landed in California. After eating a couple of very disappointing pizzas in our new neighbourhood, Colin asked his coworkers for help. One of them recommended "Tony Tutto's Pizza," a pizzeria that only sells Vegetarian (all organic) pizzas. That sounded perfect to us, so we tried them and instantly fell in love. We've also met Mr. Tony Tutto himself, and he is the nicest person ever. Colin and I have been going there every weekend. We have finally started feeling more settled in as we have found our favourite local pizzeria.
246 E Blithedale Ave
Mill Valley CA 94941
415-383-8646 (cash only)
3400 Moncton St
Richmond BC Canada
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