Tuesday, July 31, 2012

猫のおもちゃ-7 ❖ Cat Toy-7

She is asking "politely" to open the cabinet door...
by scratching on our mid century modern Danish antique...

Her "asking" in action

What does she want....?

All her toys are stored inside, and she knows it (a very smart cat!).
She wants the stick with a red bird attached to it.

Yes, this one...

Remember, she is a three legged cat!

More MISO in action

This is what her favourite toy looks like now...almost destroyed.


The cat toy fishing rod we got from George is absolutely the best. The elastic string part of the stick bounces back as MISO tries to catch it with her paw or in her mouth. And, what makes this fishing rod extra special is that if the toy gets destroyed (which it will), you can easily replace it with a new one (and they have so many cute attachments to replace it with!). KUMO who does not like anything that bounces, does not play with this toy. But, she enjoys watching MISO go absolutely nuts on it. And so do we!

Marin Country Mart at Larkspur Landing
Larkspur, CA
2420 Larkspur Landing Circle
CA 94939 USA
Website: http://georgesf.com

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Monday, July 30, 2012

ヤム芋とポテトのハッシュドブラウン ❖ Yam & Potato Hash Browns

Yam & Potato

Olive oil, rosemary, garlic, salt and pepper 
(roast them @ 450℃ for 30 to 45 min.)

Mix caramelized onions and vegetarian sausage into the roasted potatoes

Bake them with eggs for another 15 to 20 mins until eggs are done


(1) ヤム芋だけにせずに、ジャガイモとミックスして作ると味のバランスが良くなります。ヤム芋だけだとちょっと甘過ぎました...

(2) キャラメル色になった玉ねぎとベジタリアン‧ソーセージは、芋をローストした後に加えました。芋と一緒にローストすると、玉ねぎは焦げてしまいますし、ベジタリアン‧ソーセージは固くなってしまいます。玉ねぎをキャラメル化する方法は、これが一番です。失敗なくできます。普通のソーセージを使う場合は、オリジナルレシピの作り方に従ってください。ベジタリアン‧ソーセージーは、『Tofurky Italian Sausage』が一番おいしいと勝手に決めました(笑)。

(3) 最後に...白い陶器のベーキング皿で焼くと彩りが映えて更においしそうにみえます。アメリカの料理番組でおなじみのGiada de Laurentiis(大ファンです!)のベーキング皿は、可愛いだけでなく値段も安いのでお勧めです(これ❤)。

ヤム芋とポテトのハッシュドブラウンは、前もって作り置きできるので大変便利。食べたい時に、卵を割り入れてオーブンで焼くだけ。朝ご飯だけでなく、ランチやディナーにもぴったりです。オリジナルのレシピは、『the kitchn』から。日本語訳は、ここからどうぞ。

I want to share with you a few small changes I made to the Yam Hash Brown recipe (this one) that made them even better! 

(1) I added potatoes. By adding potatoes it stops the yam hash browns from becoming too sweet. 

(2) I did not roast the caramelized onions and vegetarian sausages (if you are using real sausage, you want to follow the original instructions) with potatoes until I was ready to bake the eggs with them. This way, you don't get onions and vegetarian sausages burnt. And, when you make caramelized onions, you might want to follow this recipe (it works every time!). For the vegetarian sausage, I decided that Tofurky Italian Sausage is the best. 

(3) And finally...a white casserole baking ware makes this dish so pretty! You can buy a very inexpensive (but pretty) Giada de Laurentiis baking dish (like these ones ❤).

What I love about this recipe is that I can make them ahead of time to enjoy for breakfast, lunch, or dinner! You can find the original recipe in "the kitchn."

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

オーガニック菜園報告 ❖ Organic Garden Updates



We got lots of tomatoes.

The other tomato plant is doing well too.

カリフォルニアにて、初めてのトマト収穫です ✬
Our first tomatoes in California ✬

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Friday, July 27, 2012

I ❤ Moomin(ムーミン)

Adorable Moomin biscuits

They are too cute to eat,

and perfect with my new Moomin tray.


Who loves  the Moomin tray as much as I do...?




I grew up watching Moomin and Barbapapa. I have a stronger connection towards those European characters than their American counterparts like Micky Mouse, or Snoopy. I wonder if all Japanese children of my time feel the same way as well?

I found these adorable Moomin biscuits at the Nijiya Market in San Francisco.  When I saw them, I thought of my new Moomin tray that I bought a while ago. They are so perfect together!  I consider the tray to be a work of art.  Yes, that tray MISO is sitting on...

You can purchase Moomin trays from FinnStyle

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Renegade Craft Fair Part 3

A gift for Colin's friend who loves bulldogs 

My husband is a birder 

A beautiful etching print of a coyote

Canadian idols!

So pretty ❤ (coincidentally we saw a night heron on our way into the fair)

サンフランシスコの次の『Renegade Craft Fair』は、12月15&16日です。L.A.、Austin、Brooklyn、Chicago、LondonにもRenegade Craft Fair』がやってきますよ。皆で楽しく「クラフト衝動買い」を楽しみましょう

The next Renegade Craft Fair in San Francisco will be on December 15 & 16 this year. For those who live in L.A., Austin, Brooklyn, Chicago, and London, you get a Renegade Craft Fair in your town as well! Have fun, and go find yourself treasures★

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Renegade Craft Fair Part 2

Let's go inside!

It's huge!

Colin bought a "Birds of North America" print from here.

Hello San Francisco!

I bought two T-shirts from here.

On his way in, Coin bought one print from here for his friend...

...and on his way out, he got another one for himself! 

Free photo booth @ the fair

Renegade Craft Fair』の楽しみ方
  1. フェアへ行く前にリサーチをしましょう。クラフトフェアのウェブサイトには、参加するそれぞれのアーティストの作品をみることができます(ここから)。す、すごい数です!でも、当日、会場でこれらの数のブースをじっくりみていると日が暮れてしまいます。あまりの種類の多さに圧倒されて、何も買わずに帰ってしまう、という悔いの残る結果にも。前もってリサーチしておけば、お目当てのブースでゆっくりと時間を過ごすことができます。
  2. フェアは朝11時にオープンします。オープンと同時に会場入りできるようにしましょう。早めに行けば無料パーキングも獲得可能。また、ブースにいるアーティストの方達も、まだそれほど忙しくないので、作品についていろいろと説明してくれます(皆、とてもフレンドリーでした)。
  3. 歩きやすいシューズを履くことを忘れずに。会場は飛行機が丸ごと入ってしまうような大きさです!
  4. クレジットカードを扱うブースもありますが、現金がとても便利です。
  5. お昼は持参しましょう。フェア会場でもいろんな食べ物が買えますが、高い!更に、お昼時間になると長い列ができ、時間を無駄に費やしてしまいます。
  6. 水分補給を忘れずに。お水が入ったボトルを持っていきましょう。
  7. フェア会場にある無料のフォトブースで、写真を撮りましょう(チップをあげるのを忘れずに)。良い思い出になります(下の写真を参考にどうぞ☆)。

Here are some of our tips on how to enjoy the "Renegade Craft Fair"
  1. Make sure you do your research before you go. We knew this fair was going to be very overwhelming due to the volume of cool arts and crafts. We checked all the artists on the "Renegade Craft Fair" website to see what we wanted to buy. It's a very long list, but it's faster than going through all that at the actual fair. This really helped! You can see a list of all the artists that participated at the fair here.
  2. Arrive first thing in the morning. This resulted in finding free parking.  Also, it was much easier to walk around, and talk to artists since they weren't too busy yet.
  3. Wear comfortable shoes!
  4. Bring cash (some places accept credit cards but having plenty of cash is very handy at the fair).
  5. Bring your own lunch. There are several places at the fair you can buy your lunch. However, they are overpriced with long line ups. 
  6. Hydrate yourself! Make sure you have a bottle of water with you. 
  7. Take a picture at the free photo booth (make sure you give them a donation)! It's a lot of fun!

Tomorrow, I'll show you some of the arts and crafts we bought from the fair. Stay tuned ☆

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