After leaving the San Francisco Bay Area, this is what you see for a couple of hours.
Here we are in scenic Williams, CA. Not much to see here.
Food gets boring too...Subway sandwiches for lunch.
Starbucks is one of the very few roadside stops that has washrooms I approve of.
We are now entering the state of Oregon!
Colin drove about 8 hours while I tried to stay awake.
Just outside our hotel, we found this restaurant. Colin ate fish & chips, and I had a garden burger.
And, they were surprisingly good!
オレゴン州のスプリングフィールドに着いたら、『Hilton Garden Inn』に泊まることを考えていました。このホテル、1年半前に、カリフォルニアへ引っ越した際、コリンとコリンのお父さんが、我が家の車をカリフォルニアへ移すためのロードトリップで、一泊したホテルです。オープンしたばかりの真新しいホテルで、とても居心地が良かったとのこと。『Hilton Garden Inn』は、北米にあるよくあるチェーンのホテルですから、予約なしで。ところが、なぜかこの日に限って、この『Hilton Garden Inn』は満室。なんたること!がっくり、疲れも倍増です。
がっくりしながら、近くの『Courtyard Marriott』にチェックイン。もうこの時点で、お腹はペコペコ、気分はイライラ、8時間のドライブでもうクタクタ(はい、道中「居眠り」をしていた私もクタクタ!)。『Courtyard Marriott』は、特に問題のない良いホテルですが、ホテル内で、軽い夕食を食べたい!お腹を空かしたベジタリアンのゲストには(誰でしょう?)、ほとんど食べられるものがないので要注意です。しぶしぶ、ホテルの外へ出て、ホテル前にあるレストランでテイクアウトすることに。期待度ゼロのレストランでしたが、結構おいしく、さっきまでのイライラもすっかり吹き飛び、お腹も満足し、無事、深ーい眠りに落ちることができました。さーて、明日は、いよいよワシントン州入りです!
We planned to stay at the Hilton Garden Inn in Springfield, Oregon. But it was fully booked when we arrived there. The Hilton Garden Inn was the hotel Colin and his father stayed at on their way to take our car to California a year and a half ago. It is a brand new hotel. If you are looking for a place to stay near Eugene, we recommend the Hilton Garden Inn in Springfield. We were pretty disappointed that we couldn't stay there especially after being on the road for more than 8 hours.
We quickly looked for another hotel, and we found another Courtyard Marriott close by. By the time, we checked in, we were hungry, cranky, and VERY tired. Just to warn you, if you are Vegetarian, there is almost nothing you can eat for dinner at the Courtyard Marriott. Luckily, we found a restaurant just outside the hotel. I was too hungry to take a picture of our food, but it was surprisingly good. Tomorrow, we're heading for Washington state!
3528 Gateway Street
Springfield, Oregon, 97477, USA
3443 Hutton Street
Springfield, Oregon 97477 USA
980 Kruse Way
Springfield, OR 97477 USA
Springfield, OR 97477 USA
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