Cheesecloth-like cotton cloth
Bowling in a bag (soccer)
London in a box
London in a box
『I ♡(お気に入り)』シリーズ第4弾目は、日本が誇る『無印良品』です。西海岸のMUJIファンに朗報です。今年11月、『無印良品』がサンフランシスコに、西海岸第1号店をオープンします(540 Ninth Street, San Francisco)。私は、もう嬉しくて仕方がありません。お店はなんとニューヨークのお店より大きくなるとのこと。今からお店の前で並びたいくらいの気持ちです(笑)。『無印良品』がサンフランシスコで大成功を納めるよう、皆さん応援しましょう!
I am the biggest fan of MUJI. MUJI is the first shop Colin and I go when we are out shopping in Japan. I LOVE their simple designs. Well, I have great news for MUJI lovers in the SF Bay Area! MUJI is coming to San Francisco and better yet it's going to be bigger than the ones in N.Y. Oh my god! I am so excited. It's opening its first store on the west coast in November (540 Ninth Street, San Francisco). I think I'm going to move into an apartment right next to MUJI so that I can shop there every day! (America site ☆アメリカのサイト)
Great news. MUJI is on our lit of things to do in SF. It is only a short taxi ride from the Larkspur Ferry. Or, just off Hwy 101 if we drive. :)