Friday, August 31, 2012

世界のお菓子大集合 ❖ Cost Plus World Market

Tin Robots!

Good old fashioned American candies ❂

Sweets from Europe! This is MY heaven on earth.

This boy is asking me whether he can get these...

These clowns are so cute!

A moustache shaped tin box. Everybody needs one!

Whooo! British cookies in tin cans!

幼い頃から外国に憧れ、外国のお菓子をみると興奮する傾向は海外生活が長くなった今も全く変わりません。そんな私のためにあるようなお店に行ってきました。『Cost Plus World Market』です。サンフランシスコでスタートし、ユニークな輸入品を低価格で扱うお店として知られています。今ではアメリカ全土にもお店を出しているようです。外国のお菓子だけでなく、家具、ワイン、インテリアのデコレーション、台所用品等も所狭しと並べてあります。私の目当ては外国のお菓子コーナー(日本のお菓子もありますよ)。最近、クッキーや紅茶等が入っているブリキの缶にとても惹かれる私は、ここでブリキ缶探しに精を出します。アメリカ在住の皆さん、お近くにCost Plus World Market』があれば是非行ってみてください。近くにお店がない方やアメリカ以外にお住まいの方は、ウェブサイトでお楽しみください。(アメリカ国内ならオンラインで注文可能)。お勧めは、もちろん『food & drink』セクションです。

If you enjoy sweets from all over the world like I do, you'll love this place.  It's called "Cost Plus World Market." I can spend hours looking at their imported goodies. The store also sells furniture, decorations, wine, and kitchen items. But my favourite part is their food section (no surprise). Cost Plus World Market also satisfies (or fuels) my recent obsession for tin cans. English breakfast tea bags in a retro British telephone booth tin can, and ginger snaps from Sweden in a lovely blue tin can...just to mention a few! The store first opened in San Francisco, but now has stores all over the states. If you happen to find one near you, you've got to give it a try. Check out their website (My recommendation? Their "food & drink" section ❤), it's lots of fun ☆

2040 Redwood Hwy
Greenbrae CA 94904

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Targetでの買い物 ❖ The Coolest Target


How cute is this?

Russian Matryoshka doll carafe & glasses..I want these!

Ohhh...Russian Matryoshka doll kitchen timer!

Gama Go』のバター皿!
Buddha Butter Dish from "Gama Go"
This is the coolest Target I've ever been to!

And it gets better! An inflatable moose head!

But the coolest is this! An escalator for your cart!

Targetは、アメリカで人気のディスカウントストアです。他の有名ディスカウントストアに比べて環境に良いブランドも扱ったり(Seventh Generation等)、品質の良い品が多いことで人気があります。私達も月に一度は近くのTargetでトイレットぺーパー、洗剤、猫砂(これ)等を大量に買い込みます。今回は先週末、IKEA(ここ)に行った帰り道に立ち寄ったTargetの紹介です(アメリカにはTargetいたるところにあります)。このTargetは二階建てで、まだオープンしたばかりのような新しさ。店内には、近所のTargetにはない素敵なアイテムがいっぱい。大好きな『Gama Go』の商品まであるではありませんか(この興奮を誰かと分かち合いたい!)。でも一番驚いたのは、二階へ行くためにカートをのせるエスカレーターがあること。これぞアメリカです!


We go to Target once a month to get our supply of toilet paper, cat litter (this ones), and other mundane stuff (ex. toys for Colin etc.). We like Target because they also carry environmentally safe products such as Seventh Generation, at a discounted price. After shopping at IKEA (here), we stopped at a Target before heading back to Marin. This Target has a second floor! And they've got cool items that we've never seen at our regular Target in Novato. A Buddha Butter Dish from "Gama Go"? I wish this Target was our regular one. And not to mention their escalator for your cart! Wow! That's America!

More cool stuff is coming to Target soon! Check this out ❤

1057 Eastshore Hwy
AlbanyCA 94710

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

PUBでの晩ご飯 ❖ Marin Brewing Company

Our neighbourhood pub

You can eat outside or inside

Beer to celebrate his hard work in California

A mimosa for me (a half glass was enough to get me drunk!)

"California Rock Shrimp"

"Veggie Club Sandwich" with monster size onion rings (me)

Fish & chips (Colin)

In the U.S., they give YOU a take away box 
to put whatever you want to take home into.
In Canada, they give you a take away box 
already stuffed with your left overs.
A minuscule difference, but I like the American way on this matter☆


先日、コリンの日頃のがんばりを労うため近所にある『Marin Brewing Company』というPUBへ(実は、晩ご飯を作るのが面倒だっただけ)。Marin Brewing Companyは、地元でビールを醸造し数々の賞を受賞しているマリンカウンティでも人気のPUBです。ビールはおいしいのでしょうが、残念ながらPUBの料理にもう少し力を入れる必要があります。でも、アパートから歩いて2分のところにあり、コリンが唯一外でお酒が飲める場所です。あまり文句は言えません(言ってます!)。場所はラークスパー(Larkspur)のフェリー乗り場近くなので、サンフランシスコからフェリーでピールを飲みに来ることができますよ。ビール好きの方にお勧めです☆

As I don't drive, Colin can't drink when we go out for dinner. I feel bad about it, but not bad enough to start driving. A good news is that we have a popular brew pub, called "Marin Brewing Company", in our neighbourhood that we can walk to (A bad news is that their food is not as good as you want them to be...). 

Last weekend, to celebrate Colin's hard work in California, we decided to have our dinner at Marin Brewing Company. If you enjoy beers, you'll love this place. They have won many awards for their brews. Although the pub is always busy, the service is quite good (warning : it gets noisy inside). As the pub is located in the Larkspur Landing, you can easily take a ferry from San Francisco to enjoy their beers!

1809 Larkspur Landing Circle
Larkspur CA 94939

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