Thursday, April 26, 2012


Spud delivery in Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada

Spud delivery in SF Bay area CA, USA

Curious of what we ordered this week?

Lots of cheese, OJ, Tofu etc...

Fresh organic vegetables and fruits





We've been buying our groceries from Spud since we lived in Canada. Spud delivers your groceries to your door. It started in Vancouver, BC, Canada♡ Our 3 main reasons for using Spud are:

(1) reduce our carbon foot print (buy local products, and avoid travelling to big super markets)
(2) buy organic
(3) save time

It's almost possible to do all our grocery shopping through Spud. And, it definitely saves you a lot of time. We still go to small stores to pick up a few things (ex. speciality cheese, Japanese food, ice cream etc). But, it's a quick visit, and you don't have to come home with bags of heavy groceries.

 Because you shop online, you can plan better as well. Also, it's easier to avoid buying stuff like a box of powdered doughnuts (Colin), chocolate bars (me), or a bag of chips (Colin). You can also get free samples of new products they start carrying on that week (but not in the SF Bay area). We were so thrilled to know that we can still get Spud service where we live. The selection in the SF Bay area is much smaller than the Vancouver Spud. But we have farmer's markets all year around here. So it's easy to compensate with missing items. Even though you don't use Spud, you might want to visit their website to see what they carry. It's a fun way to do grocery shopping. Their website is for Canada and for the U.S.A. 

Eat organic and be happy♡


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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

リビングルームからの眺め ❖ View from Our Living Room

Mount Tamalpais ("Mount Tam"),  the highest mountain in Marin county

A teeny tiny view of water in the distance (can you see it...?)

Our neighbour's deck..two beautiful cats live there.


Well, we love our new place. The view from our windows is very nice. Our neighbours are quiet. We hardly hear anything. We are all much happier people (and cats) now ♡


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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

フローズンヨーグルト ❖ Frozen Yogurt

Berry Bliss Yogurt

A perfect treat...

on a very hot day

Frozen yogurt with fresh blueberries and...

...rainbow mochi!

新しいアパートへ引っ越してきました。引っ越しの日は今年一番の暑さとなり(30度!)、汗だくの引っ越しとなりました。あまりの暑さに、お昼はフローズン‧ヨーグルト。サンフランシスコベイエリアでは、この一昔前に流行したフローズン‧ヨーグルトが今でも人気があるようです。引っ越し先の近所にも、『Berry Bliss Yogurt』というフローズン‧ヨーグルト屋さんがあります。オリジナル、チョコレート、ラスベリー、バナナの4種類のフローズン‧ヨーグルトが選べます。トッピングも色々で、チョコレートチップ、ナッツ類、フルーツ、そしてなんとお餅まであります。さずがにフローズン‧ヨーグルトにお餅はどうかなあと思っていたら、周りの人達は皆、お餅をトッピングとして選んでいます。コリンも早速、ブルーベリーとお餅をトッピングに。これが、とってもおいしい!これからフローズン‧ヨーグルトは、お餅なしでは食べられなくなりそうです(笑)。

We finally moved into our new apartment in Larkspur. Our moving day was the hottest day this year so far (32℃!). Thus, we decided to have frozen yogurt for lunch (I know...). One of the things we noticed since we moved to the San Francisco Bay Area was that there are frozen yogurt parlours every where. It seems that the popularity of frozen yogurt has continued on. We also have one in our new neighbourhood. At Berry Bliss Yogurt, there were 4 flavours to choose from (original, chocolate, raspberry, and banana). They also had lots of toppings - chocolate chips, nuts, fruits, and...mochi! Everyone was choosing mochi for their frozen yogurt. They had white mochi and rainbow mochi. Colin tried his with fresh blueberries and rainbow mochi and they were so amazing! I don't think I can ever have frozen yogurt without mochi.


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Friday, April 20, 2012

心温まる瞬間 ❖ More Ahhh Moment


They shared another moment together again. This does not happen very often. And, when it does, it fills me with happiness. KUMO is coming to terms with MISO being part of our family. Soon after this picture was taken, KUMO hissed at MISO and ran away to the bed step at a time.


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Thursday, April 19, 2012

一緒にお昼寝 ❖ Nap Time Together


A rare moment for MISO and KUMO sleeping the deluxe scratch board. A very happy moment ♡


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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

ベリーソース ❖ Berry Coulis

Blueberry Coulis

Yogurt with Strawberry Coulis

簡単ベリーソースです。あっという間にできるので、苺、ラズベリー、ブルーベリーを使って何度も作りました。どれもとてもおいしいのですが、私が好きなのはブルーベリーです。砂糖の分量を変えて、甘さを簡単に調節できるので便利です。お好みのヨーグルトやアイスクリームにかけてどうぞ。オリジナルレシピは、『Creature Comforts』から。

I love making this easy berry coulis. I made it with strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. They are all good, but my favourite is blueberry coulis. You can adjust the sweetness by adding a little more sugar. Pour it over your favourite yogurt or ice cream, and it will turn into something very special♡ You will find the instructions in "Creature Comforts."


  1. 好みのベリー(ブルーベリー、いちご等)約1〜2カップを鍋に入れる(ベリーが旬でなければ、冷凍のベリーでもOK)。
  2. 水大さじ2、レモン汁大さじ1、砂糖大さじ4を加える。
  3. 木べらの裏で簡単につぶせるほど柔らかくなるまで弱火で10分ほど煮る。
  4. 細かい目のざるに注ぎ入れ、木べらの裏を使ってベリーの実を潰しながら、ジュースを取り出す。果肉や種は処分する。
  5. 瓶などに入れて、冷蔵庫で4日間保存可能。ソースは好みで冷やしても良し、温めても良し。

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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Container Store

The Container Store!

Jars from Italy and pretty

Please, I want them all!

Gift boxes in various sizes

Yes! I can be more organized with these colourful boxes.

料理が上手になりそうな (?) ボウル
And, I can cook better with these bowls!

The Container Store』は、その名のとおり「container (入れ物‧容器)」のお店。入れ物と名の付くものが、なんでも揃っています。その種類の多さに感動すること間違いなし。バンクーバーに住んでいた頃は、ワシントン州のBellevueという街のThe Container Store』に行かなければいけませんでした(車で3時間!)。嬉しいことに今は、車で10分ほどのところにあるCorte Madera Town Centerに行くとThe Container Store』があります。アメリカに来たら、是非このお店をチェックしてみてください。家の中の大掃除と片付けをしたくなること間違いなしです。春ですね。大掃除の季節です✩

Colin and I have been big fans of the Container Store for quite some time. When we lived in Vancouver, we used to drive down to Bellevue, WA to shop there. It is the most amazing place. We like putting everything in boxes, jars, bags, and baskets. When you are inside the store, it can be overwhelming because there are lots to choose from. And, they are all so pretty! Take a look at their website before you visit the store. That way, you know exactly what you need for your place. If you plan to come to the U.S., you have to check it out. I guarantee that you will be inspired to organize your place! Time for spring cleaning anyone?

The Container Store
219 Corte Madera Town Center
Corte Madera, CA 94925


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Monday, April 16, 2012

Rustic Bakery

Rustic Bakery & Cafe

A beautiful day to enjoy lunch outside

I want to eat all of their pastries.

You can also buy their cookies and biscotti for gifts.

Fresh flowers on the tables...I love this place♡

Fresh Organic Salad

『Marin Melt』という名のグリルチーズのサンドイッチ
Marin Melt

So good!

まだ、正式には新しいアパートに引っ越していないのに、週末はラークスパー (Larkspur)で過ごしています(笑)。もうすっかり新しい街が気に入りました。オープンしたばかりのオーガニックのパン屋さんは、歩いてすぐのところにあります。おいしそうなパンやペーストリーが盛りだくさん。ランチに食べたグリルチーズのサンドイッチは、もうたまらなくおいしかったです。引っ越しの日を指折り数えています。

We haven't officially moved into our new place yet.  But, we are spending every weekend in Larkspur, and love our new neighbourhood. We had wonderful grilled sandwiches called "Marin Melts" at Rustic Bakery. They have a large assortment of pastries that you'll want to try all of. What's great about this place is that we can soon walk there to grab freshly baked bread every morning. We're counting the days...

Rustic Bakery
2017 Larkspur Landing
Larkspur, CA 94939


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Sunday, April 15, 2012

花 ❖ Flowers are Blooming Everywhere


It is getting warmer as the days go by, and flowers are blooming everywhere you look. I hope you are all enjoying spring wherever you are. ❀✿❃


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