The Container Store!
Jars from Italy and pretty
Please, I want them all!
Gift boxes in various sizes
Yes! I can be more organized with these colourful boxes.
料理が上手になりそうな (?) ボウル
And, I can cook better with these bowls!
『The Container Store』は、その名のとおり「container (入れ物‧容器)」のお店。入れ物と名の付くものが、なんでも揃っています。その種類の多さに感動すること間違いなし。バンクーバーに住んでいた頃は、ワシントン州のBellevueという街の『The Container Store』に行かなければいけませんでした(車で3時間!)。嬉しいことに今は、車で10分ほどのところにあるCorte Madera Town Centerに行くと『The Container Store』があります。アメリカに来たら、是非このお店をチェックしてみてください。家の中の大掃除と片付けをしたくなること間違いなしです。春ですね。大掃除の季節です✩
Colin and I have been big fans of the Container Store for quite some time. When we lived in Vancouver, we used to drive down to Bellevue, WA to shop there. It is the most amazing place. We like putting everything in boxes, jars, bags, and baskets. When you are inside the store, it can be overwhelming because there are lots to choose from. And, they are all so pretty! Take a look at their website before you visit the store. That way, you know exactly what you need for your place. If you plan to come to the U.S., you have to check it out. I guarantee that you will be inspired to organize your place! Time for spring cleaning anyone?
The Container Store
219 Corte Madera Town Center
Corte Madera, CA 94925
www.containerstore.comCorte Madera, CA 94925
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