Carrot, Celery, and Sharot
Carrot, Celery, and Sharot
Bean soup with lots of veggies
Bean soup with lots of veggies
Corn meal crunch with caramelized onion
Corn meal crunch with caramelized onion
I like chard, but for some reason I always forget to use it in my cooking. I usually opt for kale instead. That is not fair to chard. So I decided to make a conscious effort to use chard more. This is the best winter stew with lots of chard. And the best part of this stew is the egg. The recipe actually calls for a poached egg. I can't make a poached egg. I'm too scared to try it. Colin claims he can do it, because he saw how Martha Stewart made them on TV....Well, I was not in the mood for trying it out on my own, or letting Colin do it to ruin my good looking stew. Instead I did what a sensible human being does. I made lots of sunny side eggs. You just need to make sure to keep the yolk rather soft. The next day, I had left over stew with a boiled egg, and it was good too. Poached, fried, or boiled, you want to have an egg. You can find this yummy stew recipe from "smitten kitchen." I also made crunchy corn bread full of caramelized onions (continuing to show off my skills). You can dip into the stew or break it up with your spoon. Either way, they are so good together. You'll find this recipe in "101 cookbooks."
I like chard, but for some reason I always forget to use it in my cooking. I usually opt for kale instead. That is not fair to chard. So I decided to make a conscious effort to use chard more. This is the best winter stew with lots of chard. And the best part of this stew is the egg. The recipe actually calls for a poached egg. I can't make a poached egg. I'm too scared to try it. Colin claims he can do it, because he saw how Martha Stewart made them on TV....Well, I was not in the mood for trying it out on my own, or letting Colin do it to ruin my good looking stew. Instead I did what a sensible human being does. I made lots of sunny side eggs. You just need to make sure to keep the yolk rather soft. The next day, I had left over stew with a boiled egg, and it was good too. Poached, fried, or boiled, you want to have an egg. You can find this yummy stew recipe from "smitten kitchen." I also made crunchy corn bread full of caramelized onions (continuing to show off my skills). You can dip into the stew or break it up with your spoon. Either way, they are so good together. You'll find this recipe in "101 cookbooks."
野菜たっぷりお豆のスープ(『smitten kitchen』から)
- チャードを1分ほどさっと下茹し、水気をしっかりきる(ほうれん草をつかう場合は、下茹の必要なし)。食べやすい大きさに切っておく。
- 鍋にオリーブ油をしいて、中火で熱する。にんじん、セロリ、シャッロット、にんにくを加え、15分ほど炒める。白ワインを加えて、多少ワインが減る程度まで煮込む。白いんげん豆、スープストック、トマト、塩少々、こしょう、タイム、ローリエを加え、沸騰させる。沸騰したら、火を弱めて20分ほど煮る。チャードを加え、更に5分煮る。タイムとローリエを取り出す。最後に、塩·こしょうで味をととのえる。
- 落とし卵やトーストしたフランスパンのスライス等をのせる。好みでパルメザンチーズをかけて、頂く。
たまねぎのコーンブレッド(『101 Cookbooks』から)
- オーブンを華氏400度(摂氏200度)に温めておく。約20cm x 30cm(9 inch x 12 inch)の型にベーキングシートをしく。
- ボールに
- 1 1/2カップ のスープストック又は水、塩小さじ1/2を混ぜ合せておく。
- たまねぎをキャラメル色になるまで炒める。
- 残りの1 1/2カップのスープストック又は水を火にかけ、沸騰したらコーンミールを混ぜたものを加え、もう一度、煮立たせる。 重くもったりとするまで更に5分煮る。火を止めて、パルメザンチーズとたまねぎ2/3を加えて混ぜる。準備した型に流しいれ、スプーン等で平らにする。オリーブ油を全体にたらして、生地の下がこんがりきつね色になるまで、オーブンで45分ほど焼く。オーブンからだして、残りのたまねぎをトッピングしてできあがり。
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