Saturday, December 31, 2011

ランニング ❖ Running


I started running 3 years ago. It sounds cheesy but it changed my life. My New Year's resolution is to increase milages of my morning runs. 


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YAMAの思い出 ❖ Remembering YAMA



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Friday, December 30, 2011

紅白歌合戦 ❖ New Year's Eve Tradition

もうすぐお正月ですね。テレビジャパンは今年から紅白歌合戦を生放送します。北米西海岸では31日の早朝2時。いつもなら紅白は録画して後で早送りしながら観るのですが、今年は生放送で観てみようかと思っています。紅白は日本の伝統行事 (今もそうなんでしょうか?)。 紅白を観て、お正月を迎えるという行事だけは、日本を離れてからもなぜか律儀に続けてきました。私が子供の頃は紅白最盛期で、紅白が始まるのをテレビの前でわくわくしながら待ち構えていたものですが、今は早送りしながら観るという状況。紅白の放送時間が長くなったというのも関係しているのでしょうが。今回は紅白を生で観ながら、日本の両親と電話で話をするという、早朝2時にそれだけのことが本当にできるのでしょうか?

On New Year's Eve, it has been a long tradition in Japan to watch Kōhaku Uta Gassen (Red and White singing battle) on TV with family. When I was a child, every Japanese person watched it, or at least everyone I know watched it. The show is not as good as it used to be (it is really not that interesting). But for some reason I have stuck to this tradition even after I left Japan. This year, TV Japan will show Kohaku live for overseas Japanese. For the west coast of North America, that will be 2 am on New Year's Eve. We usually record  Kohaku and watch it by fast forwarding through all the boring parts. But this year, we are planning to get up at 2 am and watch it live while talking to my parents on the phone who will also be watching Kohaku


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今日の晩ご飯 ❖ Dinner Tonight

Giada De Laurentiisが作る料理はおいしい。今日の晩ご飯は、Shrimp Fra Diavolo (レシピ)とLemon Spaghetti (レシピ)。今回は冷凍エビを使いましたが、おいしくできました。簡単なので是非お試しください。Shrimp Fra Diavoloのレシピを日本語に訳したので是非お試しください。

Giada De Laurentiis makes easy but delicious meals. We had her Shrimp Fra Diavolo (recipe) and Lemon Spaghetti (recipefor dinner tonight. They are easy to make. I used frozen shrimps but it turned out really good. 

材料 (4人分)
えび 450g
塩 小さじ1
オリーブ油 大さじ3 と大さじ2
赤唐辛子のフレーク 小さじ1
玉ねぎ (薄切り) 1個
白ワイン 1カップ
にんにく (みじん切り) 3きれ
乾燥オレガノ 小さじ1/4
バジル 大さじ3

(1) ボウルにえび、塩、赤唐辛子フレークを入れて混ぜる。
(2) フライパンにオリーブ油大さじ3を中火で熱し、えびを1分ほどさっと炒める。えびは火を通しすぎないよう、一度取り出す。
(3) 同じフライパンにオリーブ油大さじ2を足して、玉ねぎを入れ、玉ねぎが透き通るまで5分ほど炒める。
(4) トマトの缶詰を汁ごと加え、白ワイン、にんにく、オレガノも加える。トマトソースを10分ほどやや煮詰める。
(5) えびえびからでた汁も一緒に)を再びフライパンに戻し全体にからめ、1分ほど火にかける。
(6) 仕上げにバジルを加え、塩少々で味を調える。


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猫の財布 ❖ My Favourite Wallet


This is my new favourite wallet - a new wallet and a new life in America. My friend, Lilo got this from Colombia.  I love this wallet! I hope my new life in the states will be as colourful as my new cat wallet.


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今日のKUMO ❖ KUMO Today



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今日のMISO ❖ MISO Today



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Thursday, December 29, 2011

冬とみかん ❖ Winter is here!


To me, winter is not really winter in California. But when I eat a Japanese orange, I know winter is here. When I was in Japan, we bought a box full of Japanese oranges and ate them until our hands turned bright orange. 


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猫のおもちゃ-1 ❖ Cat Toy-1


Cat toys made by Colin. They are not only cute but also safe for cats to play with. Colin used our worn-out jeans to make these adorable toys. Our cats love them as they also smell like us after all. There are no loose strings attached to them that cats might swallow.


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猫の家。数年前、ColinとColinの父親が二人の共同制作として生まれた、「Catsle』。Modern Cat でも紹介して頂きました。今でも我が家の猫達の隠れ家です。

"Catsle" was created by Colin and his father. In my opinion, it is the best cat pole in the world. Our cats continue to enjoy it and we do too. It was also introduced in Modern Cat.


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今夜はカレー ❖ Japanese Curry


Japanese Curry is our dinner tonight. I got this recipe from a Nami Iijima's cook book, "Cinema Shokudo (Cinema Diner)." Her recipes often require extra steps which adds depth to her dishes. We don't eat meat so I omitted meat from this recipe. If you have never tried Japanese curry, please try it. It is so good. Japanese curry is a comfort food to many Japanese and it is also cooked as an easy camping food in Japan. I have translated the recipe in English below. Happy dinner! 

Ingredients :

2 onions (one thinly sliced and the other cut into wedges)
1 tomato (chopped)
1 carrot (cut into bite size pieces)
2 potatoes (cut into bite size pieces)
1 garlic cloves (minced)
1 teaspoon grated ginger
1 teaspoon honey
4 and 3/4 cup water
Japanese curry sauce mix for 6 people (I use "S&B" as it contains no meat products. Using the combination of mild and hot sauce mixes are recommended in this recipe)
1/2 teaspoon Soya sauce
1/2 tablespoon and 1/2 teaspoon butter
1 tablespoon oil

Directions :

(1) Heat 1/2 tablespoon butter in a skillet. Add the thinly sliced onion and honey and cook over low heat for 7 to 8 mins.
(2) Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a pot. Add garlic and tomato and cook for 2 to 3 min over medium heat. Add water and cook for 30 mins. over low heat.
(3) Add rest of the onion (cut into wedges), carrot, potatoes, ginger to the pot and cook until the vegetables are tender. Remove the pot from the heat and add the curry sauce mixture and mix them well. 
(4) Put the pot back to low heat and cook until the sauce thickens. Stir in soya sauce and 1/2 teaspoon of butter and serve.


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サンフランシスコ ❖ San Francisco

住み慣れたバンクーバーからサンフランシスコに引っ越して一ヶ月が経ちます。私達が移り住んだのは、このGolden Gate Bridgeのあちら側に位置するSan Rafael市。Golden Gate Bridgeは、壮大な橋ですね。

We moved from Vancouver, Canada to San Francisco, USA about a month ago. We currently live in the city of San Rafael which is located north of San Francisco (the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge). The Golden Gate Bridge is such a gorgeous bridge.


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今日のMISO ❖ MISO Today


Last fall, MISO joined our family soon after we lost our beloved cat, YAMA to feline lymphoma. MISO lost her left leg at birth. But I don't think she knows that . She can run faster than anybody else. She makes us laugh and helped easing our pain from losing YAMA.


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今日のKUMO ❖ KUMO Today


We adopted KUMO from the BCSPCA 11 years ago. She is gentle to everyone. She is very timid and gets scared by anything and everything. She buries herself in our bed and does not come out until all the strange noises go away.


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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

今日のMISO ❖ MISO Today



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今日のKUMO ❖ KUMO Today



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