Wednesday, October 17, 2012

冷凍庫を美しく!❖ The Best Freezer Organizer

This will save your sanity!

Voila! Look at this freezer! It's a shame that I didn't take a BEFORE picture.
 It was a chaotic mess I tell you.

All my baking is nicely organized, waiting to be thawed and eaten.

Frozen beans and fruits can all nicely co-exit in my freezer now.

Let's look at it again... wow, what a beauty!


もうすぐ日本から両親がやってきます。アメリカに来てから仕事もせず(法律上、仕事ができないのですが...そんなことは理由にならないと思っている両親)、どうしてこんな娘になってしまったのか?と嘆き悲しんでいる両親をなぐさめようと、毎日のようにお菓子を焼いては冷凍庫に放り入れる作業を繰り広げています。そんなことをしていたら、冷凍庫の中がとんでもないことになっていました。もう中に何が入っているのかぜんぜんわかりません。冷凍庫の中に入れたら最後、もう二度とお目にかかることはない状態です。これでは、働かないだけでなく、整理整頓もできない娘となったことに両親は、自分たちを責めることになりかねません。親孝行のためです、なんとかしなければ!と大好きな『The Container Store』で見つけたのが、冷凍庫整理整頓かごです(1個5.99ドルーこれです)。宇宙のブラックホール化していた冷凍庫が、たった10分で見違えるほど規則正しい世界に早変わりしました。お勧めです。愛情たっぷり入った手作りスイーツを、完璧に整理整頓された冷凍庫から優雅に取り出す「可愛い」娘の姿(変わり果てた姿?といったのは誰ですか?)をみて、きっと両親はこんな娘をもって幸せだと思ってくれるに違いありません。


I previously talked about the relationship between my mental state and my fridge HERE. I usually don't pay too much attention to my freezer as I don't use it that often. However, our freezer has been very busy lately in preparation for the arrival of my parents. We are stocking up on stuff like natto (fermented soybeans) and other Japanese food items. Also, I've been baking up a storm trying to impress my parents who are not too proud of me at the moment as I no longer work (or should I say I'm not legally permitted to work in the U.S.). They don't know me as their daughter who can cook and bake. My plan is to impress them with my endless baking so they will start thinking it's ok their daughter doesn't work. She can bake and cook all day long. She has a good life! 

I digress... Because of all this, I've been baking every day and freezing everything I bake. As a result, our freezer turned into a chaotic mess that I was no longer able to find anything. Everything disappeared into a freezer universe black hole. I had to do something about it before my parents arrive from Japan. They certainly will not be impressed with my freezer situation. I don't want to add one more negative label to my self (jobless and MESSY daughter). So I went to one of my favourite stores, The Container Store, and found this freezer organizer ($5.99 each for this one). First I bought 3 of them, but I soon realized that while the upper level was nicely organized,  the lower lever was looking even more chaotic than ever. I had to go back there to get 3 more. Our freezer is the most organized part of our apartment now. 

Well, I have to get back to more baking in the midst of the October California heat's not easy to impress your own parents :)

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