Thursday, January 31, 2013

ミステリアスなパンが食べられるカフェダイナー ❖ Shoreline Coffee Shop & Green Gulch Bread


Lovely flowers on the table ❤

Love the interior decor ♡


A simple breakfast
Their hash browns are out of this world!

This bread is spiritually made (really!)...with home made jam.

or with this sweet buttery dip (don't know what was in it but, it was so good)

We're going to meditate now...

We had our lunch at the 
Shoreline Coffee Shop for the second time. It's an old dinner where you can have rare breads from the Zen Center (Green Gulch Bread). Only 300 breads are made daily at the Zen Center in Muir Beach near the Muir Woods. It is spiritual bread! The secret to this bread is "the naturally occurring bacteria and yeast that's in the air." Doesn't that sound know...spiritual? Nonetheless, the bread is truly amazing. The Shoreline Coffee Shop makes a simple breakfast so good. This is no greasy diner (not that grease is bad). Stop by there after your visit to the Muir Woods or Muir Beach. Remember the secret is in the air!

Shoreline Coffee Shop』に行って来ました。これで2回目。お目当ては、このカフェで食べられる禅センターのパン(これ❤)。このパン、とんでもなくおいしいのです!限られた数のパンしか焼かないので、一般には簡単に手に入らないという何とも貴重なパン。ミュアウッズ国定公園近くのミュアビーチにある禅センターで毎日300個だけ焼かれるそうです。美味しさの秘訣は、美しいミュアビーチの空気に存在するバクテリアとのこと(なんとも「カリフォルニア的」です、笑)。と言った具合のミステリアスなパンですが、本当においしいのでそうなのかなあと納得(笑)。このカフェの朝食は、シンプルでありながら、とってもおいしいのでお勧めです。

221 Shoreline Hwy
Mill ValleyCA 94941
(415) 388-9085


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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

土曜日の映画『キッズ‧オールライト』❖ Saturday Night Movie (The Kids Are All Right)

Saturday Night Dinner = Chinese Take Out (the usual)

Lime tart and Cannoli from the Whole Foods Market Bakery

Cannoli, shared it with Colin

"The Kids Are All Right" was the choice of our Saturday night movie last week. And, we loved the film! Annette Bening, Julianne Moore, and Mark Ruffalo were all fantastic. I don't know why we waited this long to watch it. We recorded it on our PVR months ago, and it was sitting there until last Saturday. I'm glad we watched it. The movie was fun and clever. If you have not yet seen this film yet, watch it this weekend! It'll make a perfect Saturday night movie ♡

We ate Chinese take out (the usual), and enjoyed pastries from the Whole Foods Market. We shared the cannoli (yum, yum), and left the lime tart for another night (the tart was pretty good too). I'm trying not to indulge in sweets too much until I can control my weight better (I am NOT on a diet!). It's not an easy task at my household where my husband sometimes chooses a mint Aero bar as his weekend breakfast.


土曜の夜の映画にかかせないチャイニーズのテイクアウト(いつものこれを満喫し、今回は『Whole Foods Market』から買ってきたケーキがデザート。最近の体重の増加になんとか歯止めをかけようと、デザートは週末のみにしようと努力中(ダイエットでは決してございませんよ)。ということで、この日はコリンとカノーリを仲良く半分こ。カノーリの生地の部分はちょっと乾燥し過ぎていた感がありますが、中のリコッタチーズのクリームはマイルドでワンダフル。日を改めて食べたライムタルトは、酸味が足りない点を除けば結構おいしかったです。Whole Foods Market』のケーキはまずまずのおいしさでした。


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