Monday, October 15, 2012

「もののけ」の森 ❖ The Most Beautiful Place on Earth!

Muir Woods, one of the most beautiful places on earth!

Mind-blowingly old ancient trees!

Standing beside beautiful ancient trees give you a whole new feeling about aging

This forest reminds me of scenes from "Princess Mononoke"

We are completely surrounded by these magnificent ancient trees

Many of the trees are 500 to 800 years old; some are even over 1000 years old!

A hollow ancient tree

A reflection of the forest in the water

All your senses come alive in this forest.

We need to protect these magnificent trees for future generations to come.

野外トイレが苦手な私のせいで(笑)...なかなか行こうとしなかったミュアウッズ国定公園に行ってきました。私達が住んでいるところから車で40分ほどのところにある古代の森です。言葉を失うほどの古い樹木に包まれた森は、一歩中に踏み入れると野外にいながら、まるで神聖な教会やお寺の中にいるような感覚に陥ります。地球上で最も高く、最古の生き物です。あまりのすごさに敬意を払わずにはいられません。ミュアウッズ国定公園は、マリンカウンティの人気スポットなので、週末は観光客で大賑わいです。できれば週末を避けて、訪れることをお勧めします。入場料は7ドル。入場料はこの素晴らしい森を保護するためのものですから、快く支払いましょう♡ 森の中で飲食はできませんが、森の中に『Muir Woods Trading Company Cafe』という素敵なカフェとギフトショップがあります。テレビでも紹介され、カフェで一番人気のグリルチーズサンド(Rustic Bakeryでおなじみの『Marin Melt』)をお勧めします。もちろん、清潔な野外トイレもあるので、私のように野外トイレが苦手な方も心配なく利用できます(笑)。今度はもっと時間をかけて、森の中を歩いてみようと思います。

I don't know why it took this long to visit the Muir Woods, but we finally went on the weekend (It's probably because I worry too much about out door washrooms...). What an amazing place! It is the most beautiful place on earth. You are in the forest, but you almost feel like you are inside a cathedral or a temple. As soon as you step inside, you know you're inside somewhere sacred. These trees have been there for hundreds and thousands of years. You naturally want to pay respect for the oldest (and tallest!) living things on earth. I recommend to visit the Muir Woods on a weekday if you can. This is one of the most popular spots to visit in Marin. The weekend is packed with tourists. The admission fee is $7, and it's to help preserve this place. You are not allowed to eat inside the woods, but there is a charming cafe and gift shop, called the "Muir Woods Trading Company Cafe".  Inside you can enjoy the best grilled cheese sandwich EVER (the "Marin Melt" from the Rustic Bakery). And yes, they have a very clean washroom as well for washroom obsessed people like me♡


Muir Woods National Monument does not have a street address. We used the cafe's address for our GPS.

1 Muir Woods Hwy
Mill ValleyCA 94941

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