Monday, April 16, 2012

Rustic Bakery

Rustic Bakery & Cafe

A beautiful day to enjoy lunch outside

I want to eat all of their pastries.

You can also buy their cookies and biscotti for gifts.

Fresh flowers on the tables...I love this place♡

Fresh Organic Salad

『Marin Melt』という名のグリルチーズのサンドイッチ
Marin Melt

So good!

まだ、正式には新しいアパートに引っ越していないのに、週末はラークスパー (Larkspur)で過ごしています(笑)。もうすっかり新しい街が気に入りました。オープンしたばかりのオーガニックのパン屋さんは、歩いてすぐのところにあります。おいしそうなパンやペーストリーが盛りだくさん。ランチに食べたグリルチーズのサンドイッチは、もうたまらなくおいしかったです。引っ越しの日を指折り数えています。

We haven't officially moved into our new place yet.  But, we are spending every weekend in Larkspur, and love our new neighbourhood. We had wonderful grilled sandwiches called "Marin Melts" at Rustic Bakery. They have a large assortment of pastries that you'll want to try all of. What's great about this place is that we can soon walk there to grab freshly baked bread every morning. We're counting the days...

Rustic Bakery
2017 Larkspur Landing
Larkspur, CA 94939


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