Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tony Tutto Part 2

"Bitches Brew"
Tomato sauce, green/red/yellow onions, crushed red pepper flakes, oregano, sea salt, and olive oil

The best Calzone!

Serve it with arugula salad

Oh so good!

 Tony Tutto's pizza』のピザがどれほど好きかは以前、ここでご披露しました。先週末、カルゾーネを食べて、大好き度が更に高まったのでまたここで。週末の晩ご飯は、必ず Tony Tutto's pizza』から注文します(結果、顔もピザのサイズに近づきつつあります) Tony Tutto's pizza』のカルゾーネは、ペストソースとモッツァレラチーズが入ってもっちもち。シンプルにレモンのドレッシング(これ)をかけたピッコラのサラダを添えて頂くと、最高においしいディナーのできあがりです。

 Tony Tutto's pizza』では、『ヴィーガン(vegan)』のピザもあり、興味津々で『Bitches Brew』というチーズなしのピザを注文してみました。これが最高においしい!チーズのないピザなんてちょっと味気ないのではと思っていましたが、Mr. Tuttoの手にかかるとこれがワンダフル!Bitches Brew』は、レッドペッパーフレークがたっぷりかかって、とってもスパイシーなのでご注意を ❤ Mr. Tuttoは、まさしくピザの天才なのです。

You know how much we love Tony Tutto's pizza. Our love for his pizzeria has grown even stronger as we ate the most amazing calzone last weekend. The inside was gooey pesto goodness! I should have ordered two of them, just for myself. Mr. Tutto is a pizza genius (a gentle pizza genius to be precise). At home, we served this amazing calzone with a simple arugula salad with lemon dressing (this one). It was one of the best dinners we have ever had!

I also have to tell you about his brilliant creation of no cheese vegan pizza, called "Bitches Brew." Wow! You don't miss cheese when you are eating this one. The tomato sauce on this pizza is fantastic. But, it comes with a warning, it's really hot! 

If you want to see what other amazing pizzas Mr. Tutto creates, you can check here too.

246 E Blithedale Ave
Mill Valley CA 94941
415-383-8646 (cash only)

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