Tuesday, March 6, 2012

源吉兆庵 (みなもときちょうあん)❖ Minamoto Kichoan

 源吉兆庵 ✿ Minamoto Kichoan
648 Market St, San Francisco

天下鯛へい ✿ Tenkataihei

大福 ✿ Daifuku

桜花しぐれ ✿ Oukashigure

バームクーヘン ✿ Baumkuchen

Minamoto Kichoan is located in downtown San Francisco. It is a wagashi (Japanese traditional sweets) shop. This is my first time to see a proper wagashi shop outside of Japan. Even if you are not fond of Azuki bean paste, you can find other lovely sweets you will enjoy. If you happen to be in San Francisco, give it a try. Colin's favourite is Baumkuchen. If I leave him alone with Baumkuchen, he eats a whole ring! You might think that's not a wagashi. It isn't. It's a German or European sweet. But, Baumkuchen is a very popular desert in Japan and we all grew up eating it. Japanese people absolutely love it. If you never tried wagashi before or you miss them very much like we do, this is a place to go. It has shops in London, New York, Singapore, and Shanghai. Their web site is www.kitchoan.com


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  1. おもしろい お雛様が 飾ってあって 行ってみたい!
    日本のお店とは 感じが違います
    お菓子もきれいですね 今度 こちらでも 桜花しぐれ 探してみます 食べてみたいです 中のあんの黄身あんがきれいですね  和菓子は季節感があるのが いいですね
    サンフランシスコの夏子さんから お饅頭の情報もらうなんて おもしろい というか いつもレシピとか とても楽しんでます

    1. 和菓子はいいですね。和菓子を食べる時、日本人に生まれてよかったと思います。もうすぐ春ですね♡
