有名な『Tunnel View』が迫ってきました!
The famous Tunnel View is coming up...We are ready!
Feels like we're inside a post card
Feels like we're inside a post card
This is the view from the village...I know right ?!
This is the view from the village...I know right ?!
The first thing we did was...yes, shopping :)
Village Store has everything you're looking for!
The first thing we did was...yes, shopping :)
Village Store has everything you're looking for!
『Lower Yosemite Fall』は往復1.6キロで行けます。
Now, it's time for some hiking!
Lower Yosemite Fall is a perfect trail for those are exhausted from shopping.
It's only a 1.6km loop.
Now, it's time for some hiking!
Lower Yosemite Fall is a perfect trail for those are exhausted from shopping.
It's only a 1.6km loop.
Nice and flat
Nice and flat
Still a bit of snow on the ground ☃
Still a bit of snow on the ground ☃
Simply amazing!
Simply amazing!
『ヨセミテ‧ビレッジ』は、山の中の雰囲気を壊さない外観で、とてもいい感じ(派手なウィスラー‧ビレッジとは、正反対)。アメリカ人の有名写真家、アンセル‧アダムスのギャラリーとギフトショップや(コリンは、青い鳥「ステラーズ‧ジェイ」の絵を購入)、アウトドアのお店(世界で一番履き心地が良いビーチサンダルを発見!)、そして食料品から何でも揃う『Village Store』(Tシャツ、帽子等「余計な物」を購入...)等、買い物好きな自然愛好家(?)が喜ぶお店が満載です。
『ヨセミテ‧ビレッジ』は、山の中の雰囲気を壊さない外観で、とてもいい感じ(派手なウィスラー‧ビレッジとは、正反対)。アメリカ人の有名写真家、アンセル‧アダムスのギャラリーとギフトショップや(コリンは、青い鳥「ステラーズ‧ジェイ」の絵を購入)、アウトドアのお店(世界で一番履き心地が良いビーチサンダルを発見!)、そして食料品から何でも揃う『Village Store』(Tシャツ、帽子等「余計な物」を購入...)等、買い物好きな自然愛好家(?)が喜ぶお店が満載です。
You've probably seen the wonders of Yosemite on TV or in photos, but when you see them in person, it will leave you speechless. That's what happened to us at least. The famous tunnel view will wow you. Yes, there are lots of tourists around (a bus load of them kept coming every few minutes!), and you might get a little annoyed with some of the more loud tourists with heavy make up (and high heels!), or a cigarette in their mouth (fresh air anyone?). Yet still, the view will wow you.
Yosemite Village is beautiful (it's not a party town like Whistler Village). The village has an Ansel Adams art gallery and gift shop (where Colin bought a beautiful print of a Stellar's Jay), an outdoor store (where I got the most comfortable flip flops EVER), and a Village Store (where we bought a T-shirt, a hat, and bumper sticker, etc.).
There are so many trails to choose from. If we had a choice, we probably would have stayed one more night so that we could go for a longer hike. There is so much to do, and never enough time!
The Yosemite National Park fee is only $20 per vehicle and it's good for a week.
The Yosemite National Park fee is only $20 per vehicle and it's good for a week.
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