Lettuce, cheese, & nori
I like pre sliced provolone cheese.
Shrimp tempura would be great,
but who wants to deep fry in the middle of summer?
Just put some of your favourite frozen items in the oven, and you are done!
Remember, this is everyday sushi
Keep it simple!
区切ってあるお皿は便利 ❤
A pre divided plate is perfect for DIY sushi ❤
丸いお皿もグット ✮
Or on any plate ✮
Different types of smoked salmon are available in North America
There's no rules on what to put or how to place it...
でも、巻きづらくなるので、ご飯は少なめに ✦
but be easy on the rice as it becomes difficult to roll if there's too much ✦
ここまでくると、後は楽しいことばかり♪ 想像力を働かしいろんな具を用意してみましょう。野菜を沢山用意すれば、あっと言う間にヴィーガン(Vegan)のお友達も楽しめる手巻き寿司にもなります。ここに手間をかけずに準備できるお勧めの具をリストアップしてみました。
☆ ツナマヨ
☆ BBQ豆腐(レシピはこちら)
☆ 納豆(怖いものみたさに食べてみたい元気な外国のお友達用)
☆ 枝豆(さやから既にだしてある冷凍枝豆を使うと便利)
☆ アスパラガス、きゅうり、カラフルなパプリカ、にんじん
☆ ヤム芋のオーブン焼き
Assembling ingredients for Temaki zushi is lots of fun. You can easily make this into a vegan meal. Or it's simply a fun way to eat lots of veggies. Here are some of my recommended Temaki zushi items:
☆ Tuna mayo
☆ BBQ Tofu (see the recipe here)
☆ Natto
☆ Edamame (shelled)
☆ Asparagus, cucumber, peppers (green, yellow, red), carrot
☆ Oven roasted yams
Be creative and have fun with it.
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