Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Walt Disney Family Museum

Located in the beautiful Presidio of San Francisco.

Ahem...the museum is for mature audiences...or may be not...

This area...

And this area, are the only places you are allowed to take photographs.

An amazing view of the Golden Gate Bridge from the bridge path even on a foggy day

The Walt Disney Family Museum』は、サンフランシスコの緑に囲まれた美しいプレシディオ(Presidio)にあります。この博物館は、ウォールトディズニーの長女であるダイアンさんと孫のウォルターさんによって設立され、ディズニーランド等を経営する 『The Walt Disney Company』には属していません。どちらかと言うと大人向けの博物館といった感じですが、子供も大人も楽しめると思います。カナダから遊びに来ていたコリンの13歳の甥も、お笑い系の叔父(コリン)と一緒に充分楽しんでいました(笑)。



The Walt Disney Family Museum is located in the beautiful Presidio of San Francisco. It is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company. But as its name suggests, it was co-founded by Walt Disney's family members (by Walt Disney's oldest daughter, Diane Disney Miller, and grandson, Walter E.D. Miller). Both young and old can enjoy this museum. We went there with our 13 year old nephew from Canada, and he enjoyed it as much as we did.

Colin developed his passion for animation watching Disney films as he grew up. He probably had a more intimate appreciation for this place than we did. It was certainly an inspiring place for him. He would probably have spent all day there if we let him. With a new appreciation for this great artist, Walt Disney, you will certainly appreciate old Disney classics even more.

After touring the museum, don't forget to take a stroll around the Presidio, which is a historic U.S. military base. It is one of the most beautiful places in San Francisco. 

The Walt Disney Family Museum
104 Montgomery Street
Presidio of San Francisco
CA 94129

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