Cut off the top and trim the bottom (wash it thoroughly)
Wrap it up with aluminum foil
Roast them at 400℃ for 50 to 60 minutes
Let them cool...
Peel the skin away with paper towel or...
with your own hand...it's a "beet" of a bloody business
こうなります ✸
My "beety" hand ✸
Beets on your salad...a piece of cake!
ビートは、日本ではあまり馴染みのない野菜ですね。どんな味かと言うと、醤油味ではない煮た大根。なんだそりゃ?っていう説明ですね(笑)。うーん、日本人には好まれる味だと、私は思うのであります。この濃い色からも推測できるように、ビートは栄養たっぷり。作り方は至って簡単です。丸ごと、オーブンで1時間ほど焼くだけ。朝の涼しいうちにまとめて焼いておくと便利ですね。焼いたビートは冷蔵庫で一週間まで保存可能ですから、いつでも簡単にビートが食べれます。サラダとの相性抜群です。ビートをオーブンで焼くオリジナルの説明は『the Kitchn』からです。
I found a new way to cook beets. This is so easy! You put them in the oven for an hour and they are done! I enjoy beets on my salad. I didn't grow up eating beets (not a common vegetable in Japan), but I quite like them. They not only brighten up your salad, but they are so good for you. I usually roast several beets at a time, and keep them in the fridge for my salad (they can be refrigerated up to a week). That way, you can enjoy beets anytime! You'll find the detailed instructions on how to roast beets in "the Kitchn."
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