Wednesday, April 11, 2012

ハーフマラソン終了 ❖ We did it!

Picking up our personalized bibs on a day before the race day

カナダ チーム(メンバー1人)
Go Team Canada Go!

Ganbare Nippon!

Waiting for the 7 am start...on a chilly Sunday morning in SF

Exhausted already before the start...

But we managed to complete it, yay!



✓寝不足 - レース前日に新しい住人が私達のアパートの部屋の上に引っ越してきました。この人、あろうことに私達のレース前夜にパーティーをドンチャカ始めたのです。私は次の日朝2時起床だったのですが、1〜2時間眠れたかどうか... 解決法 : 耳栓!次回のレースまでに耳栓を準備。

✓トレッドミル - 暖房や冷房が心地良くきいたジムでのランニングは、悪天候でつらい思いをせずに走れるので最高です。こちらに引っ越してからずっと、ルンルン気分でジムで走っていました。トレッドミルの上で走るのと外で走るのでは天と地の差があります。 解決法 : 「雨にも負けず風にも負けず」の心意気で、外で走って体力をつけるべし。ジムとはサヨナラです。ランニングはルンルン気分で走っていては駄目です。つらーい思いをして走るのがランニングです(なんか落ち込んできた)。

✓体重増加 - ランニングの後はもう、何を食べても良し。もう幸せいっぱい♡ 解決法 :「もう幸せいっぱい♡」などといって、ニンマリしていては体重が、減らないということがよーくわかりました。重い体で走る上り坂は大変です。

Yes, we did it! But I'm not happy... I dont' care how long it takes for me to complete a race.  But I was disappointed with this race because I had to stop and walk at the end. I don't walk on races. That was my rule, the only rule. No matter how slow I go I always run.  The race was really hard (but every race is hard). There were lots of hills. They were not too steep but they were constant. I ran almost all the hills except the last one. My legs stopped moving on the final stretch of the course. Once I stopped, my legs (and my mind) refused to let me run again. I was able to run again only when I saw the end in sight. 

Here is my analysis of why I had a miserable race and what I can do to improve it for the next one. Hopefully I learned my lesson and have a more satisfying race next time. It was amazing to run the Golden Gate Bridge none the less. 

A lack of sleep - Our new noisy neighbour who moved in a day before our race decided to have a party all night. Sadly I slept an hour or two. ✏ Solution : Ear plugs! I'm going to buy myself ear plugs before the next race.

✓Running on treadmill - I enjoyed running inside the nicely heated (or air-conditioned) gym for the past 4 months. Running on the treadmill made it so pleasant...✏ Solution : No more treadmill. Go outside and be one with the elements.  I'm in sunny California, not in rainy Vancouver! Go outside and run the hills!

✓Getting heavy - I think I deserve to eat whatever I want after my run. No? Solution : NO!


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