Sunday, March 11, 2012

日本を想う ❖ Thinking of Japan


The March 11th earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster, forced us Japanese to rethink who we are. Or, at least that's what happened to me. Watching a part of your country being devastated by disaster on TV was the most terrifying experience. Yet, what came out of such destruction was hope. People in Japan started rebuilding the nation again in the same way our predecessors had done every time disaster struck the country. I am very proud to be Japanese, and with that pride in me, I can go a long way. I know Japanese people can rebuild a nation that we can all be proud of. Ganbaro Nippon!


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  1. 今 テレビで 100歳の現役医師 の日野原先生が 言っておられたこと ”自分の運命は自分でデザインできる だから 災害を受身に取らないで 前向きに生きてほしい”

    1. 本当に良い言葉ですね。私もそうやって生きていけるよう精一杯努力します。
