Sunday, March 25, 2012

小包 ❖ Care Package from Japan

We are all excited!


Mizuame from a 170 year old Japanese candy store ("Tawaraya") in Kanazawa

More candies...

Dried Lavender from my parent's garden inside

Old Japanese mail box as a piggy bank

3D puzzle!

A painted soap...

父の手作りバック♡でも、何故かサラ·ペイリンキム·ジョンウン !?
News paper bags made by my father! Sarah Palin and Kim Jong-un !?


A care package has arrived from my parents. The contents of care packages from my parents are always entertaining. This time we got a 3D puzzle, Anpanman cooking timer, a pink cutting board, a painted soap, a piggy bank, and a couple of cut out local newspaper articles (showing my father running with a local running group and my mother learning how to make soba). But the winner is the newspaper bags my father made for us. For unknown reasons, the bag has pictures of Sarah Palin (for a girl=me) and a Kim Jong-un (for a boy=Colin)! Other than politically incorrect choices for the pictures, the bags are well made. In fact, my father is teaching other seniors how to make this paper bag at the local seniors center where he works and volunteers. We always get prefixed with these types of nicknacks from my parents (we usually end up giving them out or donating them). But one thing I know is that it is packed with love that I can always count on. Arigato Otoosan & Okaasan♡


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