Saturday, June 29, 2013

カナダへ帰ります!❖ Going Back to Canada!

Unsuspecting MISO relaxing inside her carrier...

Waiting for our flight @ SFO

MISO can't believe what is happening to her :(

KUMO says "Not again!"








Our California adventure has come to an end, and we are going back to Canada! The hardest part of moving (other than saying good bye to friends) is flying with your feline children. We've done it once so we know what it entails, but it is still the most stressful part of moving for the cats and for us. No cats enjoy flying, especially not ours. It feels like we are torturing our beloved cats. We feel absolutely awful about it. The flight between San Francisco and Vancouver is about 2.5 hours. It's not that long. But, if you think about the door to door time, it's really about 8 hours (8 hours in those very uncomfortable carriers). It is awful. I hope you never have to fly with your cats, but if you do, this is what we've learned:

(1) Choose a carrier that is approved by the airline of your choice. We flew United both ways, and we purchased Sherpa pet carriers (this one). A few weeks before the trip, leave the carriers in a room where your cats hang out. Let them get comfortable with them. MISO loves her carrier, and she often takes naps inside it (she's an amazing kitty cat).

(2) Double and triple check with your airline about your reservation. For United, they allow two small pets in the cabin per flight. Book it early. If you can, upgrade your seats so that both you and your cats feel more comfortable. For United, we upgraded our seats to Economy Plus.  It costs about $30-50 dollars more, but the leg room is worth it. 

(3) Know your cat's schedule. Our cats usually use their litter boxes before or after meals (breakfast and dinner). That meant that flying in the early afternoon is the best time to fly. For the flight between SF to Vancouver, a 1pm flight proved perfect both ways. Immigration was not busy at all.

(4) Put some towels at the bottom of the carrier to give them extra cushion as the flight can be bumpy. Also, having towels helps when you have to take your cats out of their carriers. We wrapped our very frightened cats in a towel so we could easily hold them while their carriers went through the X-ray machine. Yes, I  know this is the worst part of flying with your cats !

(5) Make sure to have all the paper work for your cats to travel by air (ex. health certificate, rabies vaccination, etc.) Although not all countries require your cats to have ID chips, it is best to get them if you're traveling. Remember you are required to remove your cats from their carriers at the airport!  It's very stressful for them.

(6) Be extra nice to the people who work at the airport. The nicer you are, the nicer they are to you and your cats.  Everyone with airport security and United airlines was extremely kind to all of us.  


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  1. エエエエエエ~!!
    そうなんだ~。 でも大好きなカナダに戻るんですもんね^^

    1. そうなんです!ブログは、遅れていますが、バンクーバーに戻って、もう2ヶ月になります。

  2. ガーン、カナダに帰っちゃたんですね、、残念。でも分かります、最初に住んだ所がホーンタウン 大好きなところで暮らせるのが一番です。これからも いろんな情報 楽しみにしています。

    1. 私達の大好きなエリアの一つとなったサンフランシスコのベイエリアを離れるのは、さみしいものがありました。バンクーバーとサンフランシスコは、近いのでこれからも頻繁に遊びに行くつもりです。バンクーバーからも、ブログは続けていきますので、これからもよろしくお願いします♥
