Tuesday, December 4, 2012

チャールス.ディケンズのクリスマスフェア ❖ Dickens London!

今年で34年目になるGreat Dickens Christmas Fair

1941年にオープンした歴史ある『Cow Palace
@ the Historic Cow Palace, which opened in 1941

The best X'mas Fair!

You can shop, eat, drink, and enjoy all kinds of entertainment.

This is the Dickens London you always imagined it to be!

You can also make a reservation for a sit-down meal.

You see these actors dressed up as English folk from the Victorian era?
They were all amazing! Yes, they also spoke "English" with American accents. I didn't mind that at all.

Sweet Nuts (cinnamon sugar crusted almonds)

They tasted like donuts!


Bangers, Fish & Chips, Scones, Bread Pudding!

You can also wear beautiful corsets and have your picture taken wearing them ♡

Map of Dickens London (HERE)

コリンの会社から『Great Dickens Christmas Fair』の無料チケットを貰ったので、嵐が去った後の先週の日曜日に、早速行って来ました。場所は、ダリーシティー(Daly City)にある『Cow Palace』です。会場に一歩足を踏み入れるとそこは、まさに想像していたチャールズ‧ディケンズのロンドン!私のような「隠れロマンチスト」には、たまらない場所です(笑)。中には、レストラン、お菓子屋さん、劇場、ジュエリー店、タロットカードの占い師の家、パブ等、絵本に出てくるような街並が目の前にずらり。更に、オリバー‧ツイスト、サンタクロース、スクルージ等、チャールズ‧ディケンズの物語に出て来る登場人物がロンドンの街を歩いています。


 Cow Palace』の駐車場は10ドルです。現金を沢山もって出かけましょう。でも、オリバー‧ツイストが街を徘徊しながら、スリの練習をしてるので要注意(笑)。クリスマスが近づくにつれて会場は混雑します。オープン時間に合わせて到着することをお勧めします。

Colin got us a pair of free tickets to the Great Dickens Christmas Fair. After the storm ended on Sunday, we decided to venture out to the historic Cow Palace in Daly City. Inside the Cow Palace, was "London." Pubs, restaurants, clothing stores, jewry shops, theatres, tarot card reading tents, and a lot more. Oliver Twist, Scrooge, Santa, and other characters from Dickens story are all there.

There's more than 700 actors walking around the fair, but a lot of visitors to the fair are also dressed up in Victorian attire.  The Actors are in their roles whether you are watching them or not. You might feel a bit shy (like we did) interacting with actors on the street.  Imagine, being thrown into the Victorian era through a time machine. It's a bit like that. But the only difference is that you find yourself in a very safe Victorian era, not the harsh reality of that time, which is a good thing. You need some time to take it all in, and adjust to your new surroundings. It's a lots of fun. If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, you have to go there! They are open until December 23. I'm definitely going back there next year.

Parking at the Cow Palace is $10. Bring plenty of cash to the fair, but be aware of Oliver Twist who is walking around the city learning how to pick pockets on the streets of London!

2600 Geneva Ave
Daly City, CA 94014


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